Saturday, June 15, 2013

Happy Saturday!

We stayed busy today and yet had so much fun!  We accomplished several things on our bucket list, except this time we got to do them with Daddy!  Adam got up with the kids this morning and let me sleep in...he is sweet like that.  Not only did I get to sleep in until 9:45, but there were cinnamon rolls and a glass of milk at my bedside when I woke up!  I truly love this man...he is extremely thoughtful.

We got ready and went out to eat lunch at McDonald's before heading to the Nature Center.  The kids enjoyed seeing the different exhibits as well as little critters.  They got to see fish, turtles, snakes, lizards and an owl...we thought the owl was sleeping with one eye open, but then he turned his head.  It got hot while we went on the nature trail so we headed back to the van to go get snow cones!

As we sat hanging out and eating our snow cones (in the nice air conditioning, I might add), the sugar rush hit pretty quickly!  The kids started getting silly and had a silly face picture session!  Caleb was hilarious!

After such a busy morning and early afternoon, it was time for some quiet time...for the kids AND us!  Adam and I got to spend some couch time together and I managed to get in a nap.  Emma is turning 5 on Monday, so we wanted to get her a birthday cake.  She doesn't know about it yet.  We are going to do a mini-celebration after lunch tomorrow. When she comes back in a couple of weeks, we will have her actual birthday party :-) ...I went to the store to pick up snacks for our movie night and her birthday cake.  There was no time wasted in this house while I was out!

Adam made paper airplanes and gliders with the kids.  They decorated them and spent a lot of time on them.  It was so fun watching them fly them outside.  Adam's landed on the roof, which gave him a reason to climb up there and test his airplane from 'new heights'.  Making airplanes is a part of our bucket list and I was so glad Adam got to do this one with the kids.  He knows a whole lot more about that stuff than I do!

Our day ended with another bucket list item...Snacks and a Movie!  We had yummy snacks as our dinner and watched a Tinkerbell movie (yes, Emma and Caleb both wanted to watch it...he isn't quite old enough to know there are a whole lot of other options).  On movie nights we started using a play pen awhile back as their 'tent' to sit in while watching the movie.  It has become the norm, a tradition they love!

Emma and Caleb are heading back to Kentucky tomorrow.  We will miss them a lot but get to see them again in 2 weeks!  The bucket list will be put on hold until then :-)  I love our family!

At the Nature Center

 Checking out the Exhibits

 Even Bryson was interested in all there was to see!

 These 2 pictures were taken by Emma.  She has become quite the photographer!  She told us to look like "married people" while taking the picture :-) one point she told us to act like we were "married people dancing".

 Time for Snow Cones!

 Emma and Caleb got cool spoons that change colors.  When putting it in the ice, it turned purple.  Once they put it in their mouth, it turned back to pink...Adam and I were jealous we got regular spoons :-(

 HAHA!!  Caleb had us rolling!

 Emma joined in on the THAT'S a silly face!

 Making paper airplanes with Daddy!

 Time for snack and movie night!  3 peas in a pod!

Poor Bryson is barely in the picture...he was too busy stuffing cheese in his mouth to care!

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