Intentions. We all
have them. I cannot tell you the amount
of time and energy I have exerted on thinking about what I need to do to make our
lives better. I need to start my day
earlier, I need to start my day with quiet times, I need to clean out all the
closets in my house, I need to have a garage sale, I need to schedule lunch
with so and so, I need to develop a routine.
I need to, I need to, I need to.
When what I need to do is BREATHE!
It is not secret that we all want to be better wives, moms,
friends, homemakers and Christians. We
want people to see us as having it all together and living life to its fullest. Just typing that makes me smile. I have resolved that if people ever come to
that conclusion about me, they just have it all wrong! I spend a whole lot of time dreaming and
wishing for what I want to be and very little time making headway. Everything looks SO GOOD on paper! Unfortunately for me, many times, that is
where it stays. God bless my husband who
knows this about me and loves me anyway!
I am an all or nothing kind of girl. We have a garage to clean out. Every time I go out there, I see huge piles
of things I don’t even remember accumulating.
It is a daunting picture. So
generally, I shut the door and just find the room in the house that creates the
illusion that I am organized and clean. I
am drawn to the rooms that take my thoughts far away from that garage. We have lived in our home for over a year and
a half and yet still park outside. Wow! I actually just made myself laugh out loud at
how silly that sounds!
You know what I have found though? Anywhere I plant myself, clutter follows
pretty close behind. Ugh! We are such strange creatures!

I have a choice to make.
I can either try to stack everything back into the closet in a way to
avoid another mishap (which WILL happen).
Or I can take that time to put a dent in the mess. To deal with what I have ignored for so
long. Even if it is putting away ten
things, that is ten things no longer contributing to the mess.
The other thing I realize is I am not always going to be the
one who opens that closet. I am not the
only one that could fall victim to the avalanche that is inevitable. What if it is our children? What if it is my husband?
The truth is, whether it is physical clutter or
emotional. It WILL affect others around
us. What we store up will eventually be
exposed…and it can be ugly! It can hurt
people we never intended on hurting. I
have no idea where this blog post finds you today, but it finds me in a place
of discovery and hope. Discovery that I
do not have to fix everything today, but I can certainly DO something to start
the process, instead of MAKING PLANS to do my best. Hope that God has given me
another day to make some headway. What a
gift! And yet too often, I waste it.
What I am most excited about in this discovery? I am not alone. My Heavenly Father knows my weaknesses. He sees my trouble spots. He is aware of my tendencies. He truly gets my longings to do better. He even understands my intense desire to avoid
the work and be able to snap my fingers to fix everything so I can start fresh. What I love about Him is He knows me and He
loves me anyway. He knows if it didn’t
take some time and effort, I would never learn from my experiences. I would find myself in the same mess all over
God truly wants us to DO and BE our best in all aspects of
life. But He loves us too much to just
give it to us. He wants to be there for
the journey to help us sort through the things we don’t need to carry with us. He has our best interest at heart and sees
the BIG picture, when all we see is a pile of stuff. The pile of stuff that, once dealt with,
opens our eyes to bigger and better things.
So let’s get moving!
Let’s set our minds to BE the change we want to see. Even if you only spend five minutes of your
day doing so, you are five minutes further than you were this morning!
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